WCEA Mission Statement:
The Williamson County Education Association exists to work for the welfare of children, the advancement of education, and the improvement of instructional opportunities for all.
Our aim is to unite and strengthen the teaching profession and to secure and maintain economic and professional security for our members.
WCEA President Angela Frederick speaks in support of a pay raise for Williamson County Educators.
WCEA Accomplishments
Secured 6% Pay Raise for Teachers for the 2024-2025 school year.
The annual President’s Day PD switched to the Friday of Midwinter break so teachers are off on Monday.
Asynchronous PD so that teachers get 1 full week of Fall Break
2% mid-year pay raise AND a 6% raise for 2023-2024
Ensured that Classified Staff gets 10 paid vacation days during Winter Break (previously 5)
Clarified the number of required after-school events required (4 including promotion/graduation.) If event is longer than 3 hours, then it counts as 2 events.
For future weather and late start days, teachers are now to report 1 hour after normal reporting time.
A review of personal days for those employees eligible for the 15-year longevity day.